End of Service Nusa Waluya II Floating Hospital in Wakatobi

The humanitarian mission carried out by the doctorSHARE team through the Nusa Waluya II Floating Hospital has ended, which for the past three months has provided free medical services in Wakatobi Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, (march – June 2022). Beautiful islands with a million underwater charms.
Based on data from Central Statistics Agency in 2022, the total area of Wakatobi Regency is 473.62 km2 consisting of four islands (Wangi – wangi, Kaledupa, Tomia and Binongko). The total population in 2021 based on the census is around 111,402 people with a population growth by 1,76 percent. As a small island, Wakatobi is an area that is still developing in terms og health facilities. That’s why doctorSHARE came to provide access to proper health for them, the Wakatobi people.
The number of medical personnel involved was 30 peoples, constisting of 10 general practitioners, 1 dentist, 9 nurse, 3 midwives, 2 laboratory analyst, 1 radiographer, 2 pharmacists and 2 administratiors. Also assisted by 16 ship crew members who will assist in the registration process and in patient flow. In addition, doctorSHARE also involves volunteer specialist, including surgeons, cardiologist, ophthalmologists, dermatologists, obstetrisians and so on.
“during more than three months of services, 6.051 patients have been successfully served. This number is the highest achievement that has been obtained during Nusa Waluya II Floating Hospital providing medical services in recent years, “said director Nusa Waluya II Floating Hospital dr. Ivan Reynaldo Lubis, Thursday (16/06/2022). Rey added, not only doing treatment on Floating Hospital, doctorSHARE medical team also provided services with a ball pick-up system to the islands of Wakatobi; Wangi – Wangi, Kaledupa, Tomia dan Binongko.
“On behalf of the regent of Wakatobi H. Haliana and the people of Wakatobi, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to doctorSHARE because through the Nusa Waluya II Floating Hospital team, they have provided the best service to us. Hopefully this kindness will further advance doctorSHARE”. Said assistant I regional secretary for government and social welfare for the Wakatobi District, Nursiddiw when inaugurating the closing of the Nusa Waluya II activities, at the Wakatobi Regent’s office.
The plan is that in the next few months, Nusa Waluya II Floating Hospital will continue it’s services to Central Buton Regency, Southest Sulawesi.
Contact :
Anselmus Jemalin
doctorSHARE – Media & Communication Coordinator
doctorSHARE is a non-profit humanitarian organization that focuses on health services and humanitarian assistance. doctorSHARE provides access to medical assistance in a holistic, independent and impartial manner for the people who need it most.
From 2009 to 2019, doctorSHARE operated 4 flagship programs including: operating 3 Floating Hospitals; flying doctor services for remote areas; long-term programs in the form of Nutrition Nursing Homes in Kei and TB Clinics in Sentani; and medical services for vulnerable communities in urban areas as well as those affected by disasters.
Until November 2021 a total of 3,569 major surgeries, 5,708 minor surgeries, 74,618 outpatient & consultations, 25,921 health promotions, 2,777 ultrasound & antenatal consultations, 275 cataract & eye surgeries, 7,194 Covid-19 vaccinations, 996 health facilities & 2000 midwives received PPE, 200 Pregnant women & 400 underprivileged families received Covid-19 assistance packages, and around 1911 volunteers were actively involved.
ABOUT Floating Hospital (RSA) Nusa Waluya II
The Floating Hospital (RSA) Nusa Waluya II was first launched in November 2018, serving the victims of the Central Sulawesi earthquake & tsunami in Palu. This RSA is the first barge hospital in the world because it is specially designed on a barge with dimensions of 23 x 45m and a draft of 2m. Although it does not have its own engine and moves places by being pulled by a tugboat, Nusa Waluya II is equipped with a diesel-fueled motor and a clean water and wastewater treatment system for hospital operations that work independently.
In providing Basic & Advanced Medical Services, RSA Nusa Waluya II has facilities for IGD, Pharmacy, ECG, USG, Laboratory, Radiology, 2 Operating Rooms, ICU, Resuscitation Room, Consultation Room, Dental Clinic, Eye Clinic, Patient Examination Room, and around 50 Inpatient beds. The objective in 2021 is to support communities in archipelagic provinces in providing accessible health facilities for maternal and child health, especially during the COVID19 pandemic.
The services provided are in the form of midwifery services for women of childbearing age, especially pregnant women, child health services to provide health services for children with a focus on toddlers; nutrition education to promote local nutritious food for pregnant women, complementary foods for infants, and toddlers; antenatal care provides health services for pregnant women to ensure a healthy and safe pregnancy as well as family planning consultations and pregnancy exercises; capacity building of staff and health cadres related to MCH, and advocating to local governments for sustainable results.