10 September 2022

First Medical Services Floathing Hospital dr. Lie Dharmawan II


Press Release

Ship sail has expanded, floating hospital (RSA) dr. Lie Dharmawan II is ready to do it historic voyage to perform medical services for the first time on Thursday, 08/09/2022, continuing the mission of the precursor RSA dr. Lie Dharmawan who sank last years in the Sape strait. The initial medical service activity of dr. Lie Dharmawan II hospital (8-9 september 2022) on Panggang Island, Pulau Seribu, entitled “walking through”. Because on March 13, 2013 ago the precursor (RSA dr. Lie Dharmawan) also performed the first medical service in the Thousand Island, North Jakarta, before crossing the globe to all corners of the archipelago.

The series of walkthrough event began with an interfaith prayer of thanksgiving on the morning at the Harbor of Muara Angke, North Jakarta. In addition to the doctorSHARE team and the board’s ranks, the leaders are brought in dr. Lie Dharmawan, also attended the Minister of Law and Human Rights – Yasonna Laoly who is also the advisory board doctorSHARE, Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Army – Dudung Abdurachman, Former Head of BNN (Indonesian National Narcotics Agency) – Commissioner General (ret.) Togar Manatar Sianipar who also the advisory board of doctorSHARE, donors, figures religion and volunteers.

“RSA dr. Lie Dharmawan sank a year ago, but the spirit to reach the regions remote corner of the archipelago is still burning in our hearts, said dr. Lie. “For the whole community”. Indonesia dr. Lie Dharmawan II floating hospital is Yours, lets sail it together reach out to our brothers and sisters in need,” added dr. Lie.

Then at noon September 9, dr. Lie Dharmawan II will sail to the Panggang island, Kepulauan Seribu, to provide the first three days of medical services. In this time the doctorSHARE team and volunteers, supported by PERDAMI (Indonesian Ophthalmologist), the Seribu Island Regional Government, Military and police, the plan is to perform general treatment, minor surgery, cataract surgery, ANC training and promotion health.

“The government cannot solve all the existing needs on its own. My salute and appreciation give to doctor Lie and doctorSHARE team for their real contribution through the hospital floating and other programs,” said Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly.

The work on RSA dr. Lie Dharmawan II began at the end of August 2021 in Tanjung Bira, Bulukumba, South Sulawesi with the overall length of the ship is 38 meters and a width of 6.65 meters, equipped with engines capable of carrying ships with a speed of between 8-10 knots, operated by about 6 crew members.

After the physical construction of the ship is completed in April 2022, the ship sail to Jakarta for the installation of medical equipment and finally ready to perform the first medical service on September 8, 2022.


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