19 December 2021

The dedication of RSA Nusa Waluya II in Kotabaru, Ends


Press Release

“RSA Nusa Waluya II service in Kotabaru, South Kalimantan officially ends”


It has been three months since Dokter Peduli Foundation (doctorSHARE) through the Floating Hospital (RSA) Nusa Waluya II served the people of Kotabaru, South Kalimantan. The service that has been carried out since October was officially closed on Sunday (12/18/21).

“On behalf of all the people of Kotabaru, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the services provided by RSA Nusa Waluya II to us,” said Vice Regent of Kotabaru Regency Andi Rudi Latif, when closing the service of RSA Nusa Waluya II, at the PPI dock in Kotabaru, South Kalimantan.

Andi added, hopefully all the services provided by the volunteer team can have a positive impact on the surrounding community. According to him, in the future it is hoped that the application of the floating hospital system can be applied in Kotabaru.

Head of the Nusa Waluya II Floating Hospital (RSA), Dr. Ivan Reynaldo Lubis, said that the number of patients served for three months exceeded the initial target.

“From the target of 3,000 patients, 5,637 patients were served. The number consists of 3761 general poly, 617 dental poly, 87 cardiac poly, 94 pediatric poly, 57 igd, 99 nerve, 375 KIA, 347 minor/major surgery, 158 circumcision, 5 births”.

Dr. Ivan added, in addition to curative services carried out, the volunteer team also provided preventive services to patients and health workers in Kotabaru, including training for little doctors, ANC training for midwives, and Covid-19 vaccination for students.

“We carry out ANC, Little Doctor, Vaccination activities among students so that they can be left behind for health workers in Kotabaru so that they can be continued. This is so that people better understand how to live a healthy lifestyle, especially for mothers and children”.

In the future, RSA Nusa Waluya II will continue its service to serve friends in Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi. The plan for service activities will be carried out in February 2022.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all parties involved in supporting the success of this service. The local government, Health Office, TNI / POLRI, donors, volunteers and all other doctorSHARE friends. Hopefully together we can improve the standard of healthy living in Indonesia.



Anselmus Jemalin

doctorSHARE – Media & Communication Coordinator


[email protected]





ABOUT Yayasan Dokter Peduli (doctorSHARE)

Yayasan Dokter Peduli (doctorSHARE) is a non-profit humanitarian organization that focuses on health care and humanitarian aid. doctorSHARE provides access to holistic, independent and impartial medical assistance to communities most in need.

From 2009 to 2019, doctorSHARE operates 4 flagship programs including: the operation of 3 Floating Hospitals; flying doctor services to remote areas; long-term programs such as the Nutrition Care Home in Kei and TB Clinic in Sentani; and medical services for vulnerable communities in urban areas and those affected by disasters.

As of November 2021, a total of 3,569 major surgeries, 5,708 minor surgeries, 74,618 outpatient & consultations, 25,921 health promotions, 2,777 ultrasounds & antenatal consultations, 275 cataract & eye surgeries, 7,194 Covid-19 vaccinations, 996 health facilities & 2000 midwives received PPE, 200 pregnant women & 400 pre-prosperous families received Covid-19 aid packages, and around 1911 volunteers were actively involved.


ABOUT Nusa Waluya II Floating Hospital (RSA)

Nusa Waluya II Floating Hospital (RSA) was launched for the first time in November 2018, serving the victims of the Central Sulawesi earthquake & tsunami in Palu. This RSA is the first barge hospital in the world because it is specially designed on a barge with dimensions of 23 x 45m and a draft of 2m. Although it does not have its own ship engine and moves by being towed by a tugboat, Nusa Waluya II is equipped with a diesel-fueled motor and a clean water and waste water treatment system for the hospital’s self-operating operations.

In providing Basic & Advanced Medical Services, RSA Nusa Waluya II has emergency room facilities, pharmacy, ECG, ultrasound, laboratory, radiology, 2 surgical rooms, ICU, resuscitation room, consultation room, dental clinic, eye clinic, patient examination room, and around 50 inpatient beds.

The objective in 2021 is to support communities in island provinces in providing accessible health facilities for maternal and child health especially during the COVID19 pandemic.

The services provided are obstetric services for women of childbearing age especially pregnant women, child health services to provide health services for children with a focus on under-fives; nutrition education to promote local nutritious foods for pregnant women, supplementary infant foods, and under-fives; antenatal care to provide health services for pregnant women to ensure a healthy and safe pregnancy as well as family planning consultations and pregnancy gymnastics; improvement of maternal and child health.