Tuberculosis doctorSHARE-CCI’s Health Guidance

On Saturday, April 9, 2011, we held health guidance and periodic examinations in Kampung Sawah, Semper, North Jakarta. The participants are dr. Grace Shalmont, Michael Shalmont and Briggitte K. Chandrawidjaya.
Counseling began at 9:30 am and theme on health guidance was about the disease tuberculosis (TB) and the dangers of smoking. We picked this theme was because the incidence of TB disease still very high in Indonesia.
Population settlements that are too dense makes the spread of TB disease occurs very easily. Plus the level of public knowledge of the disease TB is still low and so is the level of public awareness to have medical treatment.
We explained in details about the disease of TB, from symptoms to prevention and treatment of this disease, as well as how big the impact caused by the incidence in Indonesia.
The topic was followed by an explanation about the dangers of smoking. There is no doubt there is a relationship between smoking with the incidence of TB.
Smokers in Indonesia are still very high, again the level of public knowledge of the dangers of smoking are still minimal. These was greeted very positively by participants, and many admitted either from the participants or their families that were still many who smoke, and do not aware the dangers and impact that can be caused by cigarettes.
Several participants shared their personal experiences both in terms of TB and smoking. After the briefing is completed then continued by periodic medical examinations for children.
Total children examined was 29 children. The average increase in body weight and height. Health guidance went very well and we hope all health guidance, feeding program and counseling give positive impact to the people in Kampung Sawah, Semper, North Jakarta.