Committed to Reaching the Nation Without Borders doctorSHARE Launches New Program Center in Nias-Gunungsitoli

Another special moment for the doctorSHARE family in June was the inauguration and opening of a new program area in Nias Island, marked by the inauguration of the doctorSHARE Primary Inpatient Clinic in Gunungsitoli by the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia who is also the doctorSHARE Advisory Board, Prof. Yasonna Hamonangan Laoly, S.H., M.Sc., Ph.D. accompanied by doctorSHARE’s Chairman and Founder, Dr. Lie Augustinus Dharmawan, Ph.D, Sp.B, Sp.BTKV, the Mayor and MUSPIDA elements of Gunung Sitoli City, Regents, Vice Regents and representatives from four districts in Nias and surrounding areas.
In his press statement, Mr. Yasonna Hamonangan Laoly emphasized how the issue of Maternal and Child Health – including the issue of stunting is one of the main concerns of the current government so that its handling is carried out in convergence and across sectors.
“The quality of maternal and child health services is still a challenge for Indonesia and a solution must be found immediately. The maternal mortality rate (MMR) or commonly abbreviated as AKI and infant mortality rate (IMR) still do not meet the targets of the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan for the health sector,” Laoly said.
As a non-profit organization that has experts in the health sector, Minister Laoly sees doctorSHARE playing an important role in helping to realize this big government agenda.
“The purpose of the Program in Nias initiated by doctorSHARE is to support the Regional Government in equitable access to health services, capacity building of health workers, health cadres, optimization of posyandu and other activities. Therefore, I hope that we all must have a commitment to support this program for the common progress of the people of Nias, especially in the field of health,” Laoly added.
In line with that, Dr. Lie Dharmawan emphasized that doctorSHARE never stops innovating to overcome the gap in access to better health for people in the outer islands and difficult access areas.
The good practices carried out by doctorSHARE in Kei, Southeast Maluku, both long-term and short-term programs will be implemented in Nias according to the Nias context.
“In this initial period, we focus on Maternal and Child Health (MCH) issues to succeed the government’s program to reduce maternal mortality rate (MMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR),” said Dr. Lie.
“Furthermore, we are strengthening the promotive-preventive program without abandoning the curative aspect, where inpatient clinic services and floating hospitals will be synergized. We have also just launched a clubfoot program in several regions in Indonesia, including Nias,” added Dr. Lie.
Meanwhile, the Mayor of Gunungsitoli – Lakhömizaro Zebua expressed his enthusiasm and ensured that the Gunungsitoli City Government will provide the best support in the success of doctorSHARE programs for the good of the people of Nias and its surroundings.
“We welcome the presence of doctorSHARE and fully support the program plans that have a good impact on our community here in Nias,” said Lakhömizaro.
Committed to being here for the long term for the people of Nias island and beyond, doctorSHARE performed free cataract surgeries on 74 residents on Sunday (25/06) as part of a series of inauguration activities and cast 2 clubfoot patients on the day of the inauguration.
Post-surgery, a mother who previously came with a guide because she could barely see anything, now sees the beauty of the world again.
“Years of darkness. I came with a guide, now I can see the world again,” said Moida Gulo (56), who came all the way from Sisobawino Village, West Nias.