Visit of Minister of Health Budi G. Sadikin to RSA dr.Lie Dharmawan II in Karimunjawa

It was an honor and a sweet moment for doctorSHARE, where on October 19, 2023 the Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin paid a direct visit and saw the operation of RSA dr.Lie Dharmawan II which was sailing in the middle of the Karimunjawa island community and its surroundings.
This visit was directly welcomed by the founder of doctorSHARE, dr.Lie Dharmawan on the Floating Hospital who was conducting his medical services at RSA dr.Lie Dharmawan II.
This visit is a symbol of a series of coordination and inauguration of the legality of the Ship Hospital which has been approved in Permenkes No.33 of 2023 and the realization of doctorSHARE’s collaboration with BPJS Health which has started running at RSA Nusa Waluya II on Larat-Saumlaki Island, West Southeast Maluku Regency.