Synergize Together for Indonesia!

doctorSHARE and PT Bayan Resources Tbk officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation Agreement in Bayan Peduli CSR Program for Health. Some of these cooperation initiatives include:
1. Construction of Dr. Lie Dharmawan V Ship Hospital – Bayan Peduli
2. Nutrition Support Program for TB Patients
3. Medical Support for Children with Clubfoot (CTEV)
4. Construction of Blood Bank Facility for Nusa Waluya II Ship Hospital.
“This MoU marks our commitment to support Bayan Peduli’s CSR program in the Health Sector. Through this collaboration, we strive to improve equitable access to health services for people in remote island areas,” said Prof. Dr. H. Moermahadi Soerja Djanegara, S.E., M.M., Ak, CA, CPA, CSFA, Commissioner of PT Bayan Resource Tbk.
This cooperation is also in line with the programs of the Ministry of Health in improving the health status of the community, one of which is by expanding access to health services in areas that are difficult to access. I hope this MoU will be the beginning of many other collaborations that will have a positive impact on the community. – remarks from the Director of Referral Health Services – Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia delivered by Mrs. Ratih Dwi Lestari, S.Kep, MARS, Head of the Licensing and Development Work Team for Referral Health Services.
Thank you to all those who have supported and participated in this initiative! Together, we can build a healthier and more prosperous nation. Real work to build the nation.
#doctorshare #yayasandokterpeduli #bayanpeduli #BayanResources #synergy #collaboration #health